Wednesday, December 30, 2009

c r u s h ' d

dont tell me you dont want to lead me on. when all youve been doing is leading me on.

don't let me be close to you, let me think you like me.. show me all this affection and then tell me we're just friends. because we are far from just friends. friends dont ask if im cold, and then grab me at the waist.. and leave your hand there. friends don't hold hands with each other, saying your hands are cold. dont stay home from snowboarding because im not going.. dont give me a damn massage in front of everyone if we're just friends.

friends shouldn't act like this. you lead me on.

friends have boundaries. dont subtlety touch me and act innocent about it. i can sense it..
i dont know what happened, what you said... what i did. but after baker trip i knew i liked you a tad bit.. and this ambiguousness is driving me insane.

don't offer to do things for me, dont offer to go delivering presents. stop being so nice. stop being so nice to me jeff. i dont deserve it. im only going to fall for you more, harder and faster.

please stop all this affectionate, boyfriend actions. please take care of my heart, it cant afford to be broken again. please stop caring. why cant you act more like jimmy and not care? stop showing me affection. as much as i need it, want it.. stop it

we were doing so good, for soo long.. i saw you as a friend.. just a friend. and laughed when people asked us if we're dating. for seven months, we were just that..'friends'. what did i do wrong? i let my guard down. every hour that we spend together.. i let abit of you in. until i fully let you crumble my walls and infiltrate me. you silently came and ninja'd my heart. and i gave you so much of myself, my time.. the countless late nights, the endless joyrides to nowhere. the silent nights where we'd just spend time with each other.. listening to music. talking..

when did this start? why am i feeling this way towards you? when did i start falling? please make it stop.

lets just go back to the point, where we were JUST FRIENDS. none of this ambiguous, blurred boundary.