Monday, May 05, 2008

dont go chasing waterfalls

dear ex-lover,

i am glad to say that i can now decide to visit west fourth on a spur-of-a-moment decision without your constant insecure critique, exclaiming how 'the people are just all wannabe green snobby yuppies'. i can now also just drop $50 on organic groceries, just because i feel like it.

i have finally realized, i was just bored of you. you just did the dirty work. thanks hun! do you remember all those times that i said i had to go cuz the manager walked in? sorry sweetheart, i lied. i was just bored of your geeky incoherant ramblings. do you remember the countless times i didn't pick up because i 'fell asleep watching tv'? oh darling, the infomercial had wayy more interesting sentences than you could ever conjure up. i figure i want a guy who's a man. not someone where i have to babysit. 3 years of being your nanny is just that...too long! you're nothing but a kid with your dick to match. Am i ever glad that i will never have to order for your chickenshit ass, or always being the one to ask the waiter for more water. I can come and go as I please, no more having to put up with your momma's boy act and take you home for your curfew instead of spending the night at my place. NO MORE nagging about my driving habits, NO MORE 'don't drive so fast! don't honk that person! don't finger that guy!' NO MORE chauffeuring your SORRY 22yr old ass around because you 'dont want to fall into the social stereotype where the male drives the female around'.

ps. the sex was pathetic.

sincerely never-yours.
portia mcadams.

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